Ambience deck 15 plan (Pacific Dawn deck4-Fiesta)
Deck layout and review

Review of Ambience deck 15 (Pacific Dawn deck4-Fiesta)
Fiesta Deck (P&O Pacific Dawn ship)
Medical Centre (Infirmary / ship hospital) is operated by resident doctors and nurses on 24-hour duty. Payments are made by the P&O Cruises boarding pass (treatments equivalent to a private doctor’s visit). General and Australia health insurance policies do not apply, so buying cruise health insurance is recommended.
Deck 4 is accessible via 6 passenger lifts and also by stairs.
Along with public restrooms, here are located also cruise cabins from 4102 to 4128, all of which are portside location Oceanview staterooms (category OZ) each fitted with a Porthole window (non-opening).