Blue Sapphire deck 7 plan (Saga Sapphire deck7-Lobby-Restaurant)
Deck layout and review
Review of Blue Sapphire deck 7 (Saga Sapphire deck7-Lobby-Restaurant)
Tours and Reception Travel
Cruise Sales
Aviators Bar
Pole to Pole (Main Dining Room) - accommodating up to 620 people; split into separate themed areas presenting the 6 continents; Continental Breakfast buffet is set out each morning, with waiter service for tea and coffee, cooked items and fresh toast; waiter-service lunch is also offered; dinner is open-seating, served between 7 pm and 9 pm. Guests can choose to join a table of 4 or 6 seats or dine as couples.
Cruise cabins from 7002 to 7580, of which Inside (category R), Single Inside (category US), Single Outside (category LS) and Outside (category J).