Disney Destiny deck 1 plan (Crew-Tendering-Hospital)
Deck layout and review

Review of Disney Destiny deck 1 (Crew-Tendering-Hospital)
Health Center is the ship's Hospital (Infirmary/medical facility) operated by resident doctors and nurses on 24-hour duty. Payments are made by the Disney Cruise Line's boarding pass. Treatments are equivalent to a private doctor’s visit. USA's or general health insurance policies do not apply, so buying cruise health insurance is recommended.
Tender Lobbies are Passenger Tender Embarkation/Disembarkation areas used when the ship visits a tendering cruise port along the itinerary, where passengers can be offloaded (and loaded back on) only via tender boats.
Here are also most staff and crew cabins as well as the Mess Hall (crew-only bar lounge/dining room).
Deck 1 is accessible via all 16 elevators.