MSC Armonia deck 12 plan (Zaffiro-Suites-Teens)
Deck layout and review

Review of MSC Armonia deck 12 (Zaffiro-Suites-Teens)
Power Walking/Jogging Track (7 laps = 1 mi)
Young Club / Juniors Club - Teen Club (size 581 ft2/54 m2, teenagers lounge for dance classes, night disco, sports-video games contests, trivia)
Starlight Disco & Nightclub (capacity 225 seats, size 7,954 ft2/739 m2) with a full bar; during the day serves as a retreat area for panoramic views)
Cruise suites from 1201 to 1229, all of which are forward located Suites in category SR1-Deluxe Suite Aurea.