MSC Orchestra deck 7 plan (Saxofono-Promenade-Casino-Lounge)
Deck layout and review

Review of MSC Orchestra deck 7 (Saxofono-Promenade-Casino-Lounge)
Covent Garden Theatre (level 2 of 2)
Palm Beach Casino (capacity 190 seats, size 630 m2, smoking allowed, slot machines, gambling tables, own full bar)
Card Room (28 seats Texas Hold’Em poker room next to the Orchestra’s Casino)
Library (10 seats, books in different languages, board games, size 40 m2)
Art Arcade (26-seat art exhibitions and auctions gallery, size 200 m2)
Shanghai Restaurant (68 seats Asian specialty restaurant/a la carte surcharge, open 12-4 pm and 6 pm - 12 am, size 120 m2)
Cyber Cafe (19 Internet computers room, open 24-hour, size 128 m2)
La Cantinella Bar (120 seats wine bar, tastings, tapas, live musical performances, size 300 m2)
La Cubana Bar (33 seats cigar and premium liquor bar/smoking lounge, size 140 m2)
Photo Gallery & Shop (photo services, cameras, accessories, size 224 m2 / gallery, 85 m2 / photographer)
The Shaker Lounge & Bar (capacity 330 seats, with dance floor, full bar, karaoke, dance competitions, game shows, live music performances, size 850 m2).