Viking Polaris deck plan (A-Hangar-Marina Tendering)
Deck layout and review

Review of Viking Polaris deck (A-Hangar-Marina Tendering)
Staff and crew cabins, Mess Hall (crew lounge/dining facilities), service areas, provisions storage rooms
Medical Center is the ship's hospital operated by resident doctors/physicians and nurses on 24-hour call duty. The infirmary (open between 8 am – 8 pm /doctor hours 8-11 am and 3-6 pm) is equipped with defibrillators, external pacemakers, pulse oximeters, an ECG (electrocardiograph machine), thrombolytic and lab equipment. Treatments at the ship hospital are equivalent to a private doctor’s visit. All treatments, tests, and medications are at extra charge. The only exception is Bonine (seasickness medication) also available for free at the ship’s Reception (24 hours).
The ship’s physicians are independent contractors and render medical services at a customary fee. The basic fee doesn’t include medication, tests or treatments. Payments are made via the Viking Ocean Cruises boarding card.
General health insurance policies do not apply, so buying cruise health insurance is recommended.
The ship has two Change Rooms (Mudrooms) utilized for passenger embarkation and disembarkation on/from the expedition boats. The rooms have electronic lockers and provide gear storage. In warm weather destinations, the ship provides complimentary snorkeling gear (wetsuit, mask, snorkel, fins) for passenger use during the voyage.
Lifts and staircase access - four Atrium Lifts (glass-walled elevators) connect all decks. A 5th Lift (aft) is wheelchair-accessible and interconnects decks 2 through 5.
The Hangar (lower level 1 of 2) is an aft-located indoor marina for launching the smaller-sized RIBs (rigid inflatable boats). The launch platform features a 26 m (85 ft) wide rollers-covered slipway (boat ramp) that allows safe and sheltered embarkation on the RIBs inside the cruise ship.
The ship's expedition equipment is provided complimentary and to all passengers (regardless of cabin category). It includes Zodiacs (military-type rigid inflatable high-speed boats used for landings and coastal cruising), 2-seater sea kayaks, two RIB boats (12-seats each), two mini-submarines (6-passenger, with revolving seats, spherical windows / 270-degree views), Expedition Kit (cold-weather boots, waterproof pants, snowshoes, trekking poles, skis, binoculars). Each tour boat is fitted with the latest Safety Equipment (satellite phone, VHF radio, ropes, life jackets, survival kits).