Costa Magica cruise ship to serve as a potential floating hotel for Ukrainian refugees

   March 19, 2022 ,   Accidents

Costa Cruises announced they had offered the Magica ship (currently out of service) to the government of Italy as a potential floating hotel/temporary hub for the reception of Ukrainian refugees, should the number of arrivals in Italy increase in the coming weeks.

In a statement, Costa said:

“Costa Cruises is following the dramatic events in Ukraine with great concern. Our thoughts are with the people involved, including the families of our many Ukrainian colleagues who are understandably concerned about their loved ones. As immediate support to the needs of the people affected by the impact of the conflict, we have already donated medical supplies and medicines necessary for the treatment of common wounds and diseases. In addition, we offered the Costa Magica ship to the Italian government as a potential temporary hub for the reception of Ukrainian refugees to be included in the Civil Protection plans, should the number of arrivals in Italy increase in the coming weeks following a prolonged conflict.”

The costs of the liner's management, including crew/staff and meals, will be covered by Costa in the initial time period.

In June 2021, Costa's parent company Carnival Corporation. announced that Costa Magica would be drydock refurbished, to be rebranded and transferred over to CCL-Carnival Cruise Line in mid-2022.