Port Buenos Aires (Argentina) promotes cruise ship discounts for 2024-2025 season

   July 12, 2024 ,   Cruise Industry

Argentina's General Ports Administration has introduced substantial discounts for the 2024-2025 cruise season, potentially reducing Buenos Aires port costs by up to 50%.

A 20% base discount on the Trunk Waterway Toll will apply to cruise ships exceeding 30,000 gross tons (GT). Additionally, vessels larger than 70,000 GT will benefit from a further reduction, amounting to a total discount of up to 53%.

Moreover, ships over 30,000 GT making 10 or more calls will receive an extra 5% discount. These measures aim to attract larger cruise ships with higher passenger capacities, thereby enhancing tourism and boosting foreign currency revenue.

This initiative is anticipated to increase the number of cruise ships calling at Buenos Aires, which will also positively impact other cruise destinations within Argentina. The discount scheme was announced by General Ports Administration Chief of Staff Guillermo Francos, alongside Economy Minister Luis Caputo, Deregulation and Transformation Minister Federico Sturzenegger, Transportation Secretary Franco Mogetta, Tourism, Environment and Sports Secretary Daniel Scioli, and General Ports Administration Controller Gaston Benvenuto.

These discounts will be applicable for the 2024-2025 season, during which Buenos Aires expects over 115 cruise calls with a total capacity of 400,000 passengers.