3 crew injured in engine room fire aboard Adora Mediterranea

   August 16, 2024 ,   Accidents

A fire broke out aboard Adora Cruises' Adora Mediterranea ship shortly after its arrival at the Port of Jeju, South Korea, on Wednesday, August 14.

The incident occurred ~8:30 a.m., soon after the ship, carrying 3,166 passengers and crew, had docked. The fire originated in the starboard engine room, affecting an area of ~50 square meters (538 ft2).

The ship's fire suppression system was automatically triggered, successfully containing and extinguishing the blaze before it could spread to other areas of the vessel.

3 crew members sustained injuries due to smoke inhalation but were treated and are reported to be in stable condition.

No passengers were injured, with most having disembarked prior to the incident.

The fire caused damage primarily to the engine room's ceiling and some piping, but it did not impair the ship's critical systems.

The Adora Mediterranea, which was scheduled to depart for Fukuoka, Japan, later that day, received clearance from South Korean authorities to depart on Thursday, August 15. However, the vessel altered course and returned to the homeport in Tianjin instead.

For more Adora Mediterranea incidents and accidents see the ship's CruiseMinus page.