Casino manager and crew fired in alleged US$100K chip scam on CCL ship Carnival Glory

   September 11, 2024 ,   Accidents

A cruise ship casino manager and several crew members on CCL-Carnival Cruise Line's ship Carnival Glory were dismissed following an alleged scam in the Casino.

The scheme, which reportedly involved 2 casino dealers, a cashier, and guests, allegedly defrauded CCL of ~US$100,000 over the course of 2 years.

The dealers, described as experienced professionals from Peru, had been working on the vessel for 2 years. They were said to have collaborated with frequent passengers, communicating in Spanish to avoid detection. According to the report, the dealers allegedly stole casino chips, concealing them in their clothing, and manipulated payments in roulette games by mixing cash and colored chips.

The misconduct extended to blackjack games, where the dealers reportedly paid winnings to losing players and failed to collect on forfeited bets. The scheme was uncovered when a supervisor noticed a losing blackjack player receiving payment, leading to a broader investigation and review of surveillance footage.

While the investigation resulted in the dismissal of the casino manager, 6 supervisors, and the 2 dealers, none of the implicated individuals have been formally charged, and there is no confirmation if any of the stolen funds have been recovered.

The details of the operation came to light after an anonymous crew member alerted the media.

For more Carnival Glory incidents and accidents see the ship's CruiseMinus page.