Costa Cruises became Italy's first smart cruise company. The programme “Sm@rt Working Costa – Moving Forward!” is targeted at all employees of the company in Italy and abroad, which is a total of nearly 1300 persons.
Due to the new opportunity, all employees in Costa Cruises offices will be able to work from home or other suitable locations of their choice one day per week using laptops, internet connection and softphone programme, also enabling them to use remote instant messaging, HD video, telephone, conference and voicemail services with desktop sharing and visual interface.
The programme has been launched at the Genoa head office of the company where there are around 1000 employees. By the end of 2017 smart working will be extended to all of the international offices of the company in Europe and America.
The project “Sm@rt Working Costa – Moving Forward!” was acknowledged at Smart Working Award 2017 event held by Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano School of Management for the ability to introduce innovate smart working methods.