When sailing onboard most of Carnival Cruise Line's ships, passengers can still purchase Faster To The Fun package. However, on many of those vessels, it already costs a little more.
Carnival recently boosted the price of the program which offers a lot of benefits, such as priority embarkation. Previously, the cost per cabin ran between USD 49,95-USD 79.95, depending on the cruise ship and the length of the trip. Currently, the price has now gone up to USD 69.95-USD 99.95.
- On 5-day itineraries the program already costs USD 69.95, except on Carnival Sensation, where it is USD 59.95.
- For 4-day itineraries on Conquest, Ecstasy, Liberty, Paradise, Triumph, Valor and Vista, it is USD 69.95.
- For 6- and 7-day itineraries, the Faster To The Fun package costs USD 89.95.
- On itineraries 8 days or longer, it is USD 99.95.
In 2012, when Carnival Cruise Line first rolled Faster to the Fun out, it was USD 49.95 per stateroom across the whole fleet. In 2016, Carnival switched to tiered pricing system which still remains in effect.