The building of Port Sydney NS's second cruise berth has been delayed by weather, but remains within budget. According to Jillian Moore (spokesperson for Cape Breton Regional Municipality), there had been a delay in achieving substantial completion for the 2nd berth “due to weather events and the early onset of lower temperatures, which prohibited the placement of the final concrete deck slab.”
She added that time would be made-up over the winter, which would involve the "installation of the final components of the floating mooring system, mooring line gang-way, yard mast lighting, wharf fixtures, and final dredge work."
Work to take place during the spring months involves landscaping and roadway asphalt and is expected to be completed well in advance of the cruise season. The project is due to come in within budget.
The hearing to determine how much Cape Breton Regional Municipality will pay for the land where it's building a second cruise berth is slated to take place in February. The hearing is set for February 4-7. Should the parties, however, before that time reach a settlement, the hearing will not go ahead.
The contract for the building of the 2nd berth was awarded to Zutphen Contractors, Southwest Mabou for just over US$19 million after the project was scaled back and re-tendered.