From September 15, 2020, all Hapag-Lloyd Cruises' passengers are required to carry out a PCR test. The costs are included in the travel price.
To give the crew and passengers more security onboard, the company is expanding the extensive security and preventive measures already in place. Therefore, a negative PCR test result is a requirement for guests to sail onboard from mid-September. Tests for crew have been a part of the prevention concept since operations were resumed.
The passengers benefit from the cooperation with Helios clinics as with a voucher from Hapag-Lloyd they can be tested free of charge in a total of 86 Helios clinics nationwide. Only with a negative test result are the passengers "ready for boarding". Helios shares information with the cruise line.
The result of the molecular biological (PCR) test for SARS-CoV-19 must not be older than 48 hours at the time of boarding. In case a weekend is prior to departure, the deadline is 72 hours. Alternatively, passengers have the option of having a PCR test carried out professionally and individually and presenting the negative result when boarding. These guests receive EUR 50 as an onboard credit.
The prevention and hygiene concept onboard the Hapag-Lloyd ships includes a variety of measures that were added prior to and during the cruise. These include staggered boarding, a mandatory health questionnaire, daily temperature controls, reduced guest capacity of 60%. Each sailing is accompanied by qualified medical staff.
The ships' technical hygiene equipment features thermal imaging cameras and a laboratory that can be used to detect viral diseases such as COVID-19. Cold fog machines provide a thorough cleaning of all accommodations and public areas.