Miami-based Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services announced it is expanding its collaboration with the global maritime medical operations & healthcare solutions provider VIKAND Solutions.
The Global Port Medical Network partnership between the two parties, first announced in November last year, will now see them work together in order to implement efficient COVID testing in cruise terminals.
The COVID-19 Cruise Terminal Testing Solution is a non-invasive, end-to-end, testing system for passengers, crew members, and terminal staff. It has the ability to detect the virus in just 45 seconds. Comprising portable scanning stations and individual breathalyzer tubes, its high throughput COVID testing technology is available to support the resumption of the cruising and maritime industry. With a local presence in ports around the globe, Intercruises will help deliver the testing solution via providing the necessary logistical support and in-terminal management.
The technology is created by BioSafety Technologies and approved by the CE (Conformite Europëenne), non-invasive breathalyzer technology, both scalable and portable, delivering results within 45 seconds.
It features easy-to-use functionality and an interface that can be administered by non-medical personnel. Uses Terahertz (300-3,000GHz) frequencies to detect the presence of COVID by identifying the bio-spectral fingerprints found in the EBA (exhaled) of the individual tested.
The technology identifies COVID-19-free individuals while also detecting the Coronavirus in its early stages.
It has been trialed on 10,000+ individuals during the worldwide pilot program and validated by PCR testing.