Putuoshan Island China

Cruise Port schedule, live map, terminals, news

Putuoshan Island China cruise port


Local Time
2025-02-15 17:43

min: 44 °F (6 °C) / max: 52 °F (12 °C) 47°F
Wind: 321°/ 10.1 m/s  Gust: 12.3 m/sWind: 321°/ 10.1 m/s  Gust: 12.3 m/sFresh breeze
10.1 m/s
Min / Max Temperature52 °F / 12 °C
44 °F / 7 °C
  Port Map

Putuoshan Island is located southeast of Shanghai, in Zhoushan prefecture (Zhejiang province, China). The island covers an area of approx 13 km2 (5 mi2) and is famous for its buddhist temples.

Putuoshan's Mt Putuo is one of the 4 sacred mountains in Chinese Buddhism - together with Jiuhua, Emei and Wutai. The island is notable in Chinese Buddhism and is considered to be the site of bodhimanda (awakening) of Avalokitesvara (Guanyin). Every year (on Feb 19, Jun 19, Sept 19) here is celebrated the birth of Guanyin.

Mount Putuo has many Buddhist temples and monasteries served by nuns and monks from all over China and abroad. Currently, there are over 30 major temples at Mt Putuo, the largest of which are Huiji, Puji and Fayu.

Putuoshan Island China cruise terminal

Cruise ships to Putuoshan Island dock (anchor) at Xifangdian - port town on the southern coast.
